Who Runs The World?
If you’re a fan of Beyonce, you already know the answer. It’s girls (girls) – but it’s no joke. “I’m repping for the girls who taking over the world,” she sings. “Help me raise a glass for the college grads... I work my nine to five, better cut my [...]
Let’s make 2022 the Year of the Security Worker
In a time of change and challenge, the Water Tiger offers inspiration for every security worker If you are not a person who pays attention to the Chinese zodiac, you may not have known that 1 February marked the beginning of the Year of the Tiger – and, specifically, [...]
I choose to challenge… because you can definitely do better
Despite the changes we made the past year to make the security industry more diverse and inclusive, we are still not there yet- 2022 is a year where I think we are all hoping to see more than a little bit of change. After two years of unprecedented challenges [...]
Australia’s security skills shortage is a lie: Talent is not the problem – hiring companies are
We were inundated with nominations for last year’s 2021 Australian Women in Security Awards, with hundreds and hundreds of outstanding cybersecurity and protective security professionals put forward to recognise their contributions to the ever-changing security industry. Judges had their hands full – but I was left wondering what the response [...]
Past is prologue. Building a more equal future is up to us.
Well yes, it needs to be addressed, and where better to do so than here. So the question I pose to you is: Can we leave the inequality of the pre-COVID world behind us for good? Pick up just about any piece of research discussing the impact of Covid-19 [...]
Diversity + Inclusion +Culture = Real Value
In Issue 2 of Women in Security Magazine, there was a lot of talk about diversity and inclusion in our workforces. However, this is just the start for organisations – unless, of course, you’re only in it so you can tick a box and include a page on your [...]
The reality of unconscious bias and what we can do about it
I have always wanted to work for a cause that would bring real change to supporting and providing women in security a voice in the industry, and launching Women in Security Magazine in March was a big step towards just that. I was ecstatic to see the strong welcome that the first [...]