Top 5 digital parenting tips for parents with teens
When we become parents, we tend to gravitate towards following the parenting methods our own parents used. This means we are not embarking on our new adventure in the dark. But today, digital parenting has become a necessary tool in our parenting toolkit, and most of us are starting [...]
A Tuesday in the life of a Regional Technical Support Manager
What exactly does a regional technical support manager’s role entail? For me, it’s always been about customer advocacy, ensuring the ongoing success of the business the team serves, whilst striving to provide it with a delightful support experience. Without an expert product support team, it’s impossible for a software [...]
That large organisations have begun casting the cybersecurity recruitment net wider comes as little surprise to those of us who have the privilege of working in the sector. Australia has been short on qualified personnel for years, even before COVID slammed the gate shut on skilled migrants who, historically, [...]
Once the ugly duckling of the ICT sector, cybersecurity has risen to prominence in recent times. Highly publicised phishing and ransomware attacks have raised public awareness about the importance of securing systems and data. Business leaders have collectively come to the realisation tools and technologies that improve their organisations’ [...]
Lisa Jiggetts
I’m a pentester, aka an ethical hacker. I assess an organisation’s system/network to find and exploit vulnerabilities for the purpose of identifying any weak spots that malicious attackers could take advantage of. I enjoy the hunt, and the challenge of finding misconfigurations and vulnerabilities: knowing I am directly helping [...]
Noushin Shabab
I’m a Senior Security Researcher at Kaspersky ANZ, which means I have to keep across the latest advances in malware and attack techniques, solve the puzzle of a new cyber threat and share the knowledge gained from my investigation with others. It’s challenging, but it’s what I love the [...]
Christina Keing
I am a director in Deloitte Australia’s Cyber team, a strategic cyber leader enabling rapid and secure delivery of digital innovations under a cloud-first and agile strategy. I work with clients as their trusted cybersecurity partner to solve complex security problems, drive progress in a dynamic and digital world, [...]
Gergana Winzer
I ’m the Industry Director CyberSecurity APAC at Unisys,and I I report to the global Vice president of Security who is based out of California in the US. Unisys is a systems integrator and a technology and services company, so cyber risk has a very high priority. However, I [...]
Amy Roberts
I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t fighting for women’s voices to be heard, or for social equity and equality generally, so it makes complete sense I’ve ended up where I am today. In my role within the Corporate and Capability Group of the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), [...]