Winifred Obinna Scrum Master at Blue Cross and Blue Shield
I ’m a scrum master at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas, part of a federation of 36 US health insurance companies that provides health insurance to more than 106 million people. I also freelance as an executive consultant identifying and mitigating [...]
Gabrielle Botbol Offensive Security Consultant at Desjardins
A s a girl I thought my career choices were limited. At school, despite being very attracted to science, I pursued a literary education because various barriers prevented me from gaining a scientific education. Before getting into cybersecurity, I was a receptionist in a luxury hotel in Paris, and [...]
Lauren Zink Security Training and Awareness Program Manager at Oportun
I reckon I have one of the best jobs in cybersecurity: security awareness and engagement manager. I have the privilege of developing, expanding and maintaining security awareness programs that are fun, engaging and designed to educate employees in various security practices, policies and controls. The most rewarding aspect of [...]
Amber Umair Security Operations Officer at Transport for NSW
I knew even in my early school days, that I had a passion for computers and digital technologies. I became familiar with network communications while studying computer science at the university. Soon after my graduation, I acquired my first CCNA certification. My interest in network communications led me to [...]
Nicole Stephensen Principal Consultant at Ground Up Consulting
I ’m the director and principal consultant of Ground Up Consulting, a privacy consultancy focused on privacy by design and corporate privacy fitness that I founded in 2011. As principal consultant I lead the firm’s services that help organisations build privacy capacity. I focus on privacy acculturation and on [...]
Daisy Wong Cyber Culture and Engagement Lead at Department of Premier and Cabinet (Vic)
I ’m the cyber culture and engagement lead in the Victorian Government’s Department of Premier and Cabinet. I get to help non-technical staff understand complex cybersecurity concepts so they are able to protect themselves from cybersecurity risks and threats. This role might seem a far cry from my first [...]
Nicole Murdoch Founding Director at EAGLEGATE Lawyers
I ’m an intellectual property and technology lawyer with my own practice, EAGLEGATE Lawyers, a firm I founded in 2018. I assist clients to protect and commercialise their businesses and ideas. I love technology and very much enjoy helping people turn their ideas into viable and saleable businesses. I [...]
Manal al-Sharif Author of Daring to Drive
I am a Cyber Security Strategist and enthusiast. As a cyber security strategist, I lead the development of the organisation’s cyber security strategy and roadmap that aligns with the business objectives and focuses on mitigating the cyber risks with minimum investments. Inputs to take into consideration in developing an [...]
My university qualification, a Bachelor of Arts in history, was about as far from cybersecurity as you can get. I don’t think it has held me back in my career but I did have to do quite a bit of self- study that might have been unnecessary had I [...]